Viktor Tanaskovski

  • 2006- Started visiting Rock guitar classes in Enterprise music school in Skopje, Macedonia
  • 2011-2016- Studied Jazz guitar, Faculty of music, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Macedonia
  • 2020- Finished an official Steinberg Cubase course under mentorship of Valentino Skenderovski
  • 2021 - 2022- Master studies in Applied Music Research at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, Serbia
  • 2023- Finished a course in Immersive Sound Production at a residency at the Felix Romuliana archeological site near Zaječar, Serbia
  • 2022 - PresentDoctoral studies in Polymedia Art at the University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia

  • 2011- Started playing cover gigs and teaching private guitar lessons
  • 2013- Formed the Prog/Art Rock band Minstrel's Gallery and started composing original music
  • 2016- Released the first album with Minstrel's Gallery, paired with an exhibition of my paintings, played many concerts in my homecountry, as well as two in Ulm, Germany, and one in San Sebastian, Spain
  • 2017- Started teaching guitar and bass at PianoForte music school, as well as part-time in Enterprize Music School, both in Skopje- Organized the first edition of the "Acoustic breakfast", an independent outdoor picnic-concert with Minstrel's Gallery
  • 2018- Released the second album with Minstrel's Gallery- Organized the first edition of "Синестетика" (Synaesthetics), a festival of music, visual arts, literature, theater, film, etc.- Second edition of the Acoustic Breakfast
  • 2019- Second edition of Synaesthetics festival- Formed the collective/free improvisation trio Improof
  • 2020- Opened a home studio and started teaching guitar and bass at home- Formed the Experimental/Shoegaze/Ambient/Post Rock duo Alembic
  • 2021- Published 2 music critique articles on the serbian website
  • 2022- Released the self-titled debut album with Alembic- Started the Skopje-based music podcast "ДEMOбилизација" (DEMObilization), released two seasons so far
  • 2023- Played many shows with Alembic in my hometown Skopje, also in Belgrade, as well as at the Prague Quadrenial in the Czech Republic as a part of the national pavilion of North Macedonia- Composed and recorded the soundtrack for the experimental short film “Hala” with Alembic- Released my first poetry book, entitled "Под остар агол" (At an acute angle), together with an eponymous spoken word album/short movie
  • 2024- Directed, recorded, and released a stop-motion music video for Minstrel's Gallery's song "Illusion of Black"- Currently working on the release of the debut improvised music album with Improof, as well as a concert movie with the same band, using the Oblique Strategies card deck
Rock, Blues, Prog, Ambient, Hard/Heavy,
Jazz, Composition/Songwriting
"The road to freedom is paved with knowledge"

Viktor Tanaskovski


My Resources

My Story...

Being a skateboarder in my teen years, I first fell in love with music, especially rock music, through the soundtrack of the “Tony Hawk Pro Skater” PS1 games, which opened a whole new world for me. Soon enough, I developed a need to imitate and replicate what I liked and found interesting or cool, so I started taking guitar lessons right away. What seemed as just an adolescent hobby, later became a passion and an obsession. After a few years of learning how to play, I formed my first band when I was 16 or so, and soon started playing gigs at local bars and cafes.

I began teaching guitar when I was 19, starting at home with some of my friends, before becoming an actual teacher at the school where I first began learning guitar a decade earlier. After finishing high school, I found that Rock and Roll alone was not enough to satisfy my need for a deeper knowledge of harmony, composition, and improvisation, so I enrolled at the then newly opened Faculty of Jazz music in a city nearby. Soon after, I formed my first band in which I was composing the music and writing the lyrics, and named it Minstrel’s Gallery. I was inspired by Prog, Art Rock, Hard and Heavy, but also by Medieval, Folk and World Music, as well as Jazz and the Avant-garde. With this band I have released two albums so far - “Ignorance leads to Ruin” in 2016 and “To…” in 2018.

Afterwards, I’ve formed a new group and named it Alembic, referring to the alchemical process in which this Shoegaze/Post Rock duo “distills” its experimental sound. So far we have released an eponymous debut album in 2022, and at the moment I am working on a new release of fully free improvised music with the trio Improof.

I’ve always found the local scene in my hometown Skopje somewhat limited, so I started organizing events and festivals such as the “Acoustic Breakfasts”, as well as the multimedia arts festival “Sinestetika” (Synaesthetics), and I also curate the podcast series “DEMObilizacija” (DEMObilization), which focus on the local music scene. This interest in project management was later developed further when I finished my Master studies in Applied music research, a field of study focused on the music industry, project planning, writing critical essays on music, etc. Apart from composing and playing music, the first talents I actually developed at an early age were painting and drawing, so the visual arts have always been an important part of my music, either by exhibiting works and by action painting during live shows, combining the lyrics in the booklets of my CDs with a painting for each song, or by projecting the visuals on stage.

Although a devoted reader, before I started making music, I never cared much about writing lyrics. I started developing this skill when working on my first album, but this later became a separate discipline in which I am creating. I released my first poetry book in 2023, which I published together with a short movie/animation/sound art piece, entitled “At an acute angle”.Working in mixed media and overlapping artistic disciplines, in 2022 I started studying for a Doctoral degree in the field of Polymedia Art at the University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia, for which I am now starting to work on my fist solo project, combining music, video, photography, animation, literature, painting, and performance art.